45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Category: daily word


Daily Word: A Double Minded Person is Unstable. Repent and Turn to God.

Keywords: double-mindedness repentance, how to repent of being double-minded, bible verses on repenting of double-mindedness, signs of double-mindedness, how to overcome double-mindedness, jesus christ, eprayer circle, eprayercircle, daily word. Double-mindedness...


Daily Word: Don’t Be a Word Vomit: Jesus’ Teachings on Watching Your Words and Avoiding Gossip

Translate this site into over 100 languages.  Choose from the Google Translate menu on the home page.  Check out our Youtube page and other social media pages and share ....


Daily Word: Bite Your Tongue, Not Your Nails:

Keywords: bite your tongue, not your nails, jesus christ. jesus christ, eprayer circle, eprayercircle, 45 days to learn the gospel challenge, free online bible lessons Imagine a world where everyone...

words killed me.

Daily Words: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Your Words Will Hurt Me More: Jesus’ Teachings on the Power of Words

Keywords: sticksandstone, powerofwords,   #friendsforlife, #friendships, #eternality, #makefriendshipsforlife, #jesuschristisafriend, #luke, #icameforthesinners, jesuschrist, eprayercircle, eprayer circle “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  It’s a common...

praise sunday

Praise Sunday. Breathe What A Friend I Found: Hillsong

Keywords:  praise sunday, breathe, what afriend I Found, eprayer circle, eprayer, Jesus, Jesus Christ is Lord, free online bible study,  Midnight Massive  47,187,038 views Nov 7, 2018 Breathe / What...


Christian Poetry: The Friendly Beasts and Jesus Christ

Keywords: Christian poetry,  friendly beasts, gifts of animals, Jesus Christ, eprayer circle, eprayercircle, According to Wikipedia, “The Friendly Beasts” is a traditional Christmas song about the gifts that a donkey,...


Daily Word: We Live Forever. Because Jesus Christ Lives

Keywords:  daily word, live forever, soul never dies, free from sin, servants to god, fruit unto holiness, everlasting life, wages of sin, gift of god, eternal life, jesus christ our...


Letter From the Editor’s Desk: The Congregation Should Pray for the Church to Protect Its Members from Leaders Who Cannot Distinguish Between Holy and unHoly

Keywords: Christian Church, congregation, holy, unholy, leaders, covenants, God, SEO, scripture, King James Bible, jesuschrist, eprayer, eprayercircle, freebiblelessons, free bible challenges   Hello ePrayer Circle’s Tribe, While drinking my morning...


ePrayer: Morning Prayer – La oracion de la Manana

Keywords:  morning prayer, laoracion de la manana, jesus christ, jesus, eprayercircle, eprayer circle, point of need, evil passion, grace and strength, free bible lessons. eprayers are on YouTube in video....


Daily Word: Redemption From Being Cast Off

Keywords:  daily word, cast out, servants, thy people, redeemed, great power, strong hand, eprayer circle, eprayercircle, jesusislord, jesuschrist, free on line bible lessons, 45 day gospel challenge Nehemiah 1: 9-10...


Daily Word: Be Obedient : God is Merciful. He Will Not Forsake or Destroy Thee.

Keywords:  daily word, obedience, merciful,  not forsake, seek the lord, new beginnings, devotion, seeking god, wholeheartedness, tribulation, repentance, mercy, faithfulness, forgiveness, restoration, jesus, eprayer circle, eprayercircle, freebiblelessons Deuteronomy 4:29-31 KJV   29But...

(spanish) (spanish)

ePrayer: Prayer for Financial Help During Hardship- Based on the Prayer of Jabez

Translate this prayer in over 100 languages from the home tab select the language from the Google Translate Button.  Also eprayers are in video with music on YouTube and other...


Christian Poetry: Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Keywords: christian poetry, greatisthyfaithfulness, godslove, godsmercies, godsstrength, godshope, God’s faithfulness, eprayercircle, eprayer circle,jesus is lord, freebiblelessons, freeonlinebiblelessons Thomas Chisholm, the author of “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” and 1200 other poems...


Repentance with Remission of Sins: The Path to Peace

 Keywords: remission of sins, path to peace, repentance, sin, forgiveness, peace, God, Self, new creation, reconciliation, daily word, JesusChrist is lord, eprayer circle, eprayercircle, free bible lessons When we repent...


Daily Word: Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil for Righteousness and Holiness

Ecclesiasticus 19:29 KJV  “A man may be known by his look, and one that hath understanding by his countenance (a person’s face or facial expression), when thou meetest him.” James 1:22...


Letter From the Editor’s Desk: The Importance of Presenting Yourself to God Holy and Clean

Translate this page and entire site except graphics into over 100 languages with the Google Translate button on the home page of this site.  Please share. Thanks Keywords: letterfromtheeditor’sdesk, #hoyandclean,...


Daily Word: Love Not Hate – Slander and Gossip is as Murder

Keywords:  lovenothate, slanderandgossip, murder, slander, corrupt communication, testimony This editor decided to create this post about “Love and not Hate” because social media and gossip blogs are so outrages that...


Prayer for Natural Diaster Victims. God is Our Refuge and Strength, A Very Present Help in Trouble

This entire site can be translated into over 100 languages except graphics.  Select desired language from Google Translate menu on the home page of this blog. Please share. Thanks. Keywords: ...


ePrayer: Returning and Resting in God by Repentance. Be Still and Know That Thou Are God Through Jesus Christ Our Lord

Psalms 46:10 KJV “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” John 14:27 KJV  “Peace I leave with you, my...


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