45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Letter From the Editor: Being Wise and Prepared: Keeping Important Documents Together for Emergencies Part Two

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Ephesians 5:15-17 KJV  says, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”


Hello, ePrayer Circle Tribe,

I hope you’re all doing well. Lately, I’ve been thinking about the importance of being prepared for emergencies, especially after hearing about the recent hurricanes. Seeing the devastation and the need to evacuate quickly has made me reflect on my own readiness. Am I truly prepared? Maybe not fully, but I’m working on it, and I want to share some thoughts with you as well as emergency resources with you. Let’s talk.

emergencies part one (1)

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One morning, I rushed out to get a tire changed, leaving my 14-year-old daughter still cozy in bed. What I thought would be a routine errand quickly turned into a nightmare. I was halfway through the appointment when I got the call every parent dreads—my place was on fire.

Heart pounding, I raced home. Smoke was pouring from the condo, and my mind went blank. My neighbor had already called the ambulance and helped my daughter outside. Turns out, my daughter had been trying to cook breakfast at too high a temperature. Normally, I’m the one who cooks, but that morning I was running late. When I got home, the kitchen was filled with smoke, but no flames. Thankfully, my daughter had managed to put the smoke out before it became a full-blown fire.

The firemen were already there, and as they went through the house to ensure there were no lingering fires, they asked for my insurance papers. Here’s where things got tense—I knew I had them, but it took me what felt like an eternity to find them. Fifteen long minutes later, I finally did. I had just looked at them a few days earlier after renewing the policy, but in my rush, I had laid them down instead of putting them back in my emergency box.

My neighbor had been panicked and worried I didn’t have insurance. I assured her I did, but in that moment, I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. Still, the relief of finding the papers was nothing compared to the gratitude I felt that my daughter was safe and the situation wasn’t worse.

In the end, it was just a lot of smoke, and I taught my daughter a valuable lesson about cooking temperatures. But more than that, I learned a lesson too—it’s not just about having important documents, but knowing exactly where they are when you need them most. That’s why I’ve made it a priority to organize them, and why I’m sharing this list with you today.

I thank God for his protection and grace every time I think about how much worse it could have been, not just for us, but for our neighbors. This incident serves as a powerful reminder: be prepared, stay calm, and always keep your important documents in a safe place.

One of the steps I’ve taken is putting together a document notebook after watching a lot of prepper channels. Like many of you, I have the usual important papers—insurance, Social Security, ID, and so on.

But I never thought about what would happen if all electronics went down, including the internet. How would I prove my identity, ownership of property, or access any financial information? What if I needed emergency contact numbers or, heaven forbid, a paper map in case GPS didn’t work during an evacuation?

It’s essential to have a fireproof or at least waterproof container, even if it’s something as simple as a sturdy plastic bin, to keep those documents safe. You never know when a flood, tornado, or hurricane might strike.

God calls us to be wise. He gave us minds capable of incredible things, and it doesn’t take a college degree to use the wisdom He offers. Just ask Him for guidance, and He’ll help you get prepared. The bible states my people perish for lack of knowledge. However, God helps us. We all have different circumstances.

James 1:5 KJV  “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraided not; and it shall be given him.”

Check out Part One of this series if you haven’t already here, and stay tuned for Part Three next week. I’ll share tips on where you can safely park or camp if you ever have to sleep in your car, including some free or low-cost options.

Feel free to share your own tips in the comments below. Let’s support each other in being prepared and staying safe. Don’t forget to subscribe, so you don’t miss out on future posts!

Proverbs 6:5-11 KJV   6Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: 7Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, 8Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathered her food in the harvest. 9How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? 10Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11So shall thy poverty come as one that traveled, and thy want as an armed man.


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Essential Documents to Keep Together – You should have these things already if not take the time to do so now. Make print copies and pdf file copies to save on USB stick.

Some important documents you should always keep organized and ready for emergencies include:  If possible put each document in plastic sleeves (floods or spearing) usually found in school or office supplies and are low cost. I found some on the clearance rack at Walmart for 50 cents for five.  Take time to look at Amazon, Walmart and Target are having deals from today to around the 12th of October. 

  1. Social Security Card – You can request a replacement through the Social Security Administration.
  2. Passport – For travel and identification, you can apply for or renew your passport at the U.S. Department of State.
  3. Birth and Death Certificates – These can be obtained through the vital records office in your state. Each state has specific requirements. For example, you can check your state’s website for details.
  4. Marriage Certificates and Divorce Decrees – Obtain copies through your local courthouse or county clerk.
  5. Insurance Policies – Have copies of your health, auto, and home insurance policies.
  6. Bank Records – Keep statements and account details handy. Cancelled check and Debit card numbers  Make a copy of card front and back.
  7. Property Deeds, Rental leases, and Vehicle Titles – Proof of ownership may be required if systems are down.
  8. Diplomas and Graduation Certificates – Schools and universities often require proof of graduation for various services.
  9. School, organization and church papers – Bible church records of family history and YOUR BIBLE with notepad and pens. You will be praying.
  10. Maps and emergency contact and websites
  11. Prescriptions and medical history.  At least write down the medicines you take, dosages and strengths for all family members and copies of insurance cards. To show hospitals.
  12. Credit and and passwords. Copies of Credit (all three companies) and any good payment history. You may need to rent a room (ARB) or person and systems are down. 

Federal Resources for Emergencies

In times of emergencies, federal resources can help. These websites are great for securing necessary documents or information:

  • Ready.gov: Provides guidance on disaster preparedness.
  • FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency offers resources and support during disasters.
  • Red Cross: Helps in natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, and provides shelter, food, and support.

State-Specific Resources

Each state has its own resources for disaster response and emergency preparedness. For example, state websites often provide evacuation maps and weather alerts. You can request free maps and information by registering online through your state’s welcome center.

Emergency  Websites

It’s important to know where to go if your area is affected by natural disasters, war, or other emergencies. Here are some essential sites and numbers:


Don’t forget the kids and prepare for them as well.  Even if you are a sharing parent and they do not stay with you all the time. It just may be your weekend or your babysitting for a few hours. – List of and supply of extra medications (include over the counter) and list of known allergies.



alt tag: kindness

911 is the emergency number used throughout the United States and Canada to quickly connect people with emergency services. It’s designed to give the public access to police, fire, and medical assistance in urgent situations. Here’s some essential information about 911:  Do not play on this number as you can get criminal charges. It is essential for people’s survival only. You can also text 911 in some areas. Check your area to know in advance.

Key Points About 911:

  1. Who Can Call 911? Anyone in an emergency situation can call 911. You don’t need special permission, and you can even call from a locked phone. The system is set up for quick response, and it’s free to use.
  2. When to Call 911:
    • When you need police (for crimes in progress, accidents, or safety concerns).
    • When you need the fire department (for fires, explosions, or chemical hazards).
    • When you need medical help (for heart attacks, strokes, or severe injuries).
  3. How 911 Works: When you dial 911, your call is routed to the nearest public safety answering point (PSAP). The operator will ask you for details about your emergency, including your location, so they can send help. Modern 911 systems often can automatically detect your location, but you should still give as much detail as possible.
  4. Text to 911: In some areas, texting 911 is possible if you cannot make a voice call. This is particularly useful for people with hearing impairments or in situations where speaking might be unsafe.
  5. 911 is for Emergencies Only: Do not call 911 for non-emergencies, such as minor complaints or general information. Instead, use your local non-emergency numbers for those needs.

Remember, 911 is a critical resource, and it’s important to use it wisely to ensure that emergency responders can help those in immediate need.


The number 988 is the new Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in the United States, available nationwide. It is a three-digit number for people experiencing mental health crises, emotional distress, or suicidal thoughts. The 988 Lifeline is accessible to anyone in all 50 states, 24/7, and it connects callers with trained counselors who provide support and resources.

This service is available for those in need of immediate help, whether it’s for yourself or someone you’re concerned about. It offers support for mental health emergencies, but it’s not limited to suicide prevention—it can also be used for general mental health crises or substance use distress.


Many states offer free maps through their tourism or transportation websites. Typically, each state has a “welcome” or tourism center where you can request free maps and guides. Here are a couple of resources you can check for free maps:

  1. Individual State Tourism Websites: Most states have official tourism websites where you can request free maps. For example:
  2. National Park Service (NPS): Offers maps of national parks across the U.S. for free, both online and in print, if you visit park centers. Visit nps.gov.
  3. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS): Provides various types of maps, including topographical maps, for free download or by request. Visit the USGS Store for more details.

For specific states, you can often find a section labeled “free travel guides” or “maps” that allows you to order a physical map or download a digital version.


need help

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The number to call for emergency flat tire service will vary depending on your location and service provider. Here are a few common options:

1. Roadside Assistance Programs
  • AAA (American Automobile Association): One of the most popular roadside assistance programs. If you’re a member, you can call 1-800-222-4357 (1-800-AAA-HELP) for flat tire service, towing, and other emergencies. Membership is required, and fees apply if you’re not a member.
  • Your Car Insurance Provider: Many car insurance policies include roadside assistance. Check your insurance card for the number, or call your provider’s general customer service number to request assistance. This may come with a fee or be included, depending on your coverage.
  • OnStar (for GM vehicles): If you have an OnStar subscription, you can press the blue OnStar button in your vehicle, or call 1-888-466-7827 for roadside assistance.
2. Manufacturer Roadside Assistance
  • Many new vehicles come with free roadside assistance for a limited time (usually a few years). Check your owner’s manual or call your car manufacturer’s customer service line for assistance.
3. Non-Members
  • If you’re not a member of a roadside assistance program, you can call local towing companies directly. A quick search for “towing service near me” will give you options. These services generally come with a fee.
4. State or Local Programs
  • Some states and regions offer free roadside assistance services, often through state-run highway patrol programs. For example, in Florida, the Florida Road Rangers can help with flat tires, and their number is *347 on your cell phone. Check with your local Department of Transportation for similar services.
Is It Free?
  • AAA and insurance-based services often require membership or coverage. If you’re not covered, there may be fees.
  • Free roadside assistance programs from car manufacturers or state-run highway services might not charge fees, but they have limitations on what they cover.

Before calling, confirm what services are available to you for free through your provider or other local options.


Currently, there is no single unified directory for state-run highway assistance numbers like HERO across all U.S. states. However, many states have their own similar roadside assistance programs, and most states use 511 as a transportation and traffic information line that may also connect you to emergency highway services. Here’s how you can generally find the equivalent of HERO (FREE roadside assistance on the highway)  services in other states:

Common Steps to Find Roadside Assistance in Each State:
  1. Dial 511: In many states, dialing 511 will provide transportation and road condition information, and it may connect you to the state’s highway emergency services.
  2. Check Department of Transportation (DOT) Websites: Most states have their own Department of Transportation (DOT) websites where they list traffic and emergency resources. These websites often have contact information for state-run roadside services.
  3. Search for State-Specific Programs: Some states have named programs like Georgia’s HERO, such as:
    • Florida: Road Rangers, accessible by dialing *347 (FHP) on your phone.
    • California: Freeway Service Patrol, dial 511.
    • Texas: TxDOT Roadside Assistance, call 1-800-525-5555.

How to Find Specific Numbers for Each State:

To find your state’s specific roadside assistance number, you can:

  • Search online using the phrase “state-run roadside assistance number [state name].”
  • Visit your state’s Department of Transportation website.
  • Check the 511.org site, which provides traffic information services for various states and may also offer links to emergency programs.

By calling 511 in your state or region, you should be able to get assistance or be connected to the right service.


In all situations, it’s important to remember that God is always with us. Pack your Bible, because during emergencies, electronics may not work.  Remember, God is your source and help in your time of need. Just ask.

By staying wise and prepared, you are taking responsible steps to protect yourself and your loved ones during difficult times. Being organized, knowing where to find help, and trusting in God will guide you through any emergency.

Luke 21:36 KJV  “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.


Are you prepared for an emergency, and what steps will you take today to ensure your safety and peace of mind?


I hope this information serves you well. Finally, and most importantly, let us also prepare ourselves spiritually for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us pray.


May Our Living Hope in Jesus Christ Finds You Faithful,


Angela Clark, M.Ed.



keywords:  letter from the editors desk, eprayer circle, How to trust Jesus Christ during emergencies, free Bible lessons, 45 Days to Learn the Gospel Challenge online, encouragement for preppers, Christian emergency preparedness tips, Bible-based prepper survival guide, free Bible lessons for disaster readiness, faith in Jesus Christ during a crisis, how to prepare spiritually for emergencies, Christian prepper resources.


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John 3:16  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


Romans 10:9-10  9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation


John 3:5-6  5Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is the Spirit. 

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