45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Tagged: #servants


Daily Word: Redemption From Being Cast Off

Keywords:  daily word, cast out, servants, thy people, redeemed, great power, strong hand, eprayer circle, eprayercircle, jesusislord, jesuschrist, free on line bible lessons, 45 day gospel challenge Nehemiah 1: 9-10...

eprayer for Mercy

ePrayer: Mercy For God’s Human Servants (Missionaries, Ministers, Deacons, Bishops, Prayer Warriors, Servants in the Church Musicians, Singers, Ushers, Facilators, etc)

Translate this page into over 100 languages with the Google Translate menu on the Home page.  See this prayer in video form on YouTube in English, Spanish, and French.  ...


What Does it Mean to Be a Profitable Servant of the Lord? All Believers are Servants of the Lord

We are commanded to do what we are supposed to do as servants of the Lord and not think highly of ourselves.   If you do something for someone do not...


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