45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Tagged: faith in Jesus

The blood Never Loses Its Power

Daily Word: Did Jesus’ Sacrifice Cover Past, Present, and Future Sins?

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross covers all sins—past, present, and future. The Bible teaches that His death and resurrection provided the ultimate atonement for humanity’s sins, fulfilling God’s plan for...

spiritual house cleaning (1)

Daily Word: Spiritual Housecleaning: Checking Our Hearts and Lives

Spiritual housecleaning is about looking at our hearts and actions and asking, “Am I truly living by God’s Word?” Just as we clean our homes, we must also take time...


Daily Word: God Speaks Through Scripture – The Bible End Time Prophecy Revealed

1 Thessalonians 5:20 KJV  “Despise not prophesyings.”   The Bible contains over 2,000 prophecies, many of which have already come true with astonishing accuracy. These fulfilled prophecies are one of the...

salvation through the jews

Bible Study: Salvation Come From the Jews Explained.

Salvation comes from the Jews, as Jesus Himself was born a Jew. This statement highlights the important role of the Jewish people in God’s plan for salvation. Jesus’ lineage and...


Anchored in Hope: A Journey of Personal Growth Through Faith in Jesus Peace Be Still

Translate this page into over 100 languages, Chose your language from the Google Transcript menu bar on the home page.  If you find any value please share and subscribe. It...

galatians 326 29

Daily Word: United in Christ: Faith Breaks Down Barriers and Creates One Family”

Discover the profound message of Galatians 3:26-29, where the Apostle Paul emphasizes the unifying power of faith in Christ Jesus, transcending social and ethnic divisions. Galatians 3:26-29 KJV  26For ye are...

Peace Be Still

45 Days To Read The Gospel Challenge – The Gospel of Mark Chapter Four: Peace Be Still and The Grain of a Mustard Seed

ePrayer Circle is serious about its goal: To use internet technologies to encourage people of all nationalities to pray to God, praise God, meditate on scripture, and study the Bible...


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