45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Tagged: #bible study


Unlock the Power of Fellowship: Building a Relationship with Jesus Through Prayer and Devotion

Spending time with Jesus is essential for developing a deep and meaningful relationship with Him. Just as in any friendship, a close bond requires time, communication, and attention. As believers,...

gospel overview

ePrayer Circle Bible Study: Gospel of John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew: Understanding the Four Gospels – A Reading Plan

The Gospels of John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew are central to understanding the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. These four books of the New Testament provide different perspectives on...


ePrayer Room: How to Recognize and Follow Gods Spiritual Watchmen in Your Life

Translate this page and site into over 100 languages by using the Google Translate Menu on the HOME PAGE.  Please subscribe to this blog for updates or YouTube channel for eprayers. It is free. It helps. Thanks....

selfishness and disobedience

ePrayer Room: Selfishness and Disobedience Keeps People From Knowing God and Receiving Blessings. Matthew 13: 19-24 KJV Explained.

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a humble heart, asking for Your forgiveness. I repent for any selfishness and disobedience that has kept me from following Your Word. Help...

devotion over destination

Daily Word: Destination vs Devotion: Prioritizing God in Your Daily Life: Action Steps

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve their goals effortlessly while others struggle? The secret lies in their devotion to God. Before setting your sights on any...


Bible Study: How Psalm 46:10 Can Transform Your Life – Let Go and Let God. Be Still and Know I Am God.

The Bible teaches us the importance of faith and surrender in our journey with God. Psalm 46:10 KJV, “Be still, and know that I am God,” is a powerful reminder...

salvation through the jews

Bible Study: Salvation Come From the Jews Explained.

Salvation comes from the Jews, as Jesus Himself was born a Jew. This statement highlights the important role of the Jewish people in God’s plan for salvation. Jesus’ lineage and...

it is well with my soul be rich toward god

Bible Study: Psalm 55:18 KJV All Is Well With My Soul

Translate this page and site into over 100 languages by using the Google Translate Menu on the HOME PAGE.  Please subscribe to this blog for updates or YouTube channel for eprayers. It is free. It helps. Thanks....

untitled design (1)

God’s Perfect Love Casts Out Fear: Understanding 1 John 4:15-21 KJV

The Bible tells us about God’s perfect love in 1 John 4:15-21. Let’s break it down so everyone can understand it easily. 1 John 4:18 KJV  “There is no fear in...


EPrayer Room: “Why Obeying God’s Commands Leads to Blessings: Trust, Faith, and Biblical Obedience”

Believers should do what God has commanded and not what they think is appropriate. In order to be obedient we must study the Word of God–The King James Bible.  Obeying...


ePrayer Room: The Joy of The Lord is My Strength Explained

Translate this page and site into over 100 languages by using the Google Translate Menu on the HOME PAGE.  Please subscribe to this blog for updates or YouTube channel for...


Letter From the Editor’s Desk: It is Better to Understand and Know the Lord During These Times.

Hello ePrayer Circle Tribe, I am so glad to write to you today. I have transferred this site to a new hosting company for faster performance and better uptime, always...

best friends

Daily Word: Choosing Wise Relationships: Navigating the Road of Life with Faith and Friendship

Keywords:  #wise relationships, #faith and friendship, #Holy Spirit guidance, #biblical wisdom, #choosing companions, bible verse, scripture, #bible study   In the journey of life, the company we keep plays a...


Daily Word to Memorize: Unlocking the Power of Scripture: Why Memorize “Christ Hymn” Philippians 2:1-15 KJV

Imagine carrying a treasure within you, a source of wisdom and comfort that you can access anytime, anywhere. This is the power of scripture memorization. By committing God’s word to...

Philippians 1:28

Daily Word: Stand Strong! Philippians 1:28: Fearlessness in the Face of Opposition ️

Fear can be paralyzing, but Philippians 1:28 offers a powerful antidote. Discover how this verse equips you with courage and resilience to face any challenge. ️  Philippians 1:28-29: “And in...

cainandable (1)

Daily Word Forget Cain and Abel Who is Your Brother in the Bible? (Spoiler: It is Not Who You Think)

Dive into the surprising truth about who your true brother is in the Bible. This ain’t your Sunday school story. Prepare for a mind-blowing revelation about Christian ethics and the...


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