45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Category: Quiz

Bible Quiz

Bible Quiz? Does God Require Believers to Attend Church (Assembly)?

as·sem·bly :  a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose. Keywords:  #submit, #spiritual leaders, #unprofitable, #jesuschrist, #holyspirit, #assembling, #endtimes, #assembly, #church   Hebrews 10:25 KJV “Not...


Bible Quiz Time: When Jesus casted out demons where did he send them? Mark 5:12 KJV

Keywords: #biblequiz, #bibleveres, #biblequestionsandanswers, #eprayer circle, #jesuschrist, #triva, #fungames, #funquiz, #funtriva. I developed this quiz because I am seeing many people, churches, evangelists, and summits who claim they are casting...

Gospel of Mark - Baptism

45 Days To Read The Gospel Challenge – The Gospel of Mark Chapter One: The Baptism of Jesus Christ, The Called, Healing Miracles and Temptation

ePrayer Circle is serious about its goal: To use internet technologies to encourage people of all nationalities to pray to God, praise God, meditate on scripture, and study the Bible...

Christ of the high Priest

45 Days to Read The Gospel Challenge: The Gospel of John Chapter 19 – Jesus is Crucified. It is Finished

ePrayer Circle is serious about its goal: To use internet technologies to encourage people of all nationalities to pray to God, praise God, meditate on scripture, and read the Bible...


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