45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Category: Multi-cultural

Fear The Lord

ePrayer Room: Fear the Lord to Righteousness : It is the Whole Duty of Man

The Bible teaches us that fearing the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and leads us to live righteous lives. Let’s explore what this means using some key scriptures. Ecclesiastes...

Persevereintrialstovictory (1)

Daily Word: Victory Belongs to Jesus: Overcoming Challenges Through Christ

Victory belongs to Jesus because He has overcome sin, death, and all evil. This means that no matter what challenges we face, Jesus has already won the battle for us....


Don’t Live In A Vacumn : The Role of Love in Spiritual Growth

Love is essential for our spiritual growth and well-being. The Bible teaches us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and that we should “love God with all our might...

happy fathers day (3)

Praise Sunday: Fathers Day Wind Beneath My Wings – Hero- Gerald Levert. Father and Son

Happy Daddy’s Day.  Isaiah 9:6 KJV  “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall...


ePrayer Room: “Finding Peace Amidst Fear: How to Overcome Anxiety in Troubling Times”

Luke 21:26-28 (KJV) says, “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken....

the hand that rock the cradle

Letter From The Editor: The Hand That Rocks the Cradle. Women in the Bible and Their Leadership Accomplishments

Hello ePrayer Circle Tribe, Yesterday, I was reflecting on the roles women play in teaching the Bible and the Gospel. In this day and age, many people don’t realize that...


Repentance: The Path to Forgiveness and Freedom

Repentance with remittance is so important because the enemy and his or her curses are cancelled and there are no legal grounds the attacks can hold on too.  Sometimes we...

vengence is hate (2)

ePrayer Room: Why Seeking Revenge is a Path to Hate, Not Justice

Keywords: revenge, justice, hate, forgiveness, Bible teaching, God’s justice, wisdom, Matthew 10:16, Romans 12:19, Proverbs 20:22, free bible classes, gospel lessons Revenge is not justice; it is hate. The Bible...


Letter From the Editor’s Desk: Holiness and Cleanliness – Identifies God’s Children

Hello ePrayer Circle Tribe? As I sip my coffee and reflect on my Bible readings, the theme of “cleanliness” seems to be a recurring subject. Throughout the week, I have...

speak scripture (600 x 600 px)

ePrayer Room: The Power of Speaking Scripture: Strengthening Faith, Unity, and Life

The King James Bible emphasizes the importance of knowing and speaking scripture out loud and to each other in various ways. Below are 10 Reasons to quote scripture.  Understanding the importance...


Daily Word: From Prostitution to Redemption: A Shocking Tale of God’s Unyielding Love

Today we will review the story of the prophet Hosea and his wife, Gomer, found in the Book of Hosea in the Bible. The moral of this story centers on...


Letter From the Editor’s Desk: It is Better to Understand and Know the Lord During These Times.

Hello ePrayer Circle Tribe, I am so glad to write to you today. I have transferred this site to a new hosting company for faster performance and better uptime, always...

women teaching the bible to men and women

ePrayer Room: A Spirit of Excellence: Embracing Spiritual Protocol

“Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.” – Romans 12:9 KJV In the Christian faith, spiritual protocol refers to the guidelines, principles,...


How to Love Each Other: Building a Strong and Healthy Relationship

Discover practical ways to express love and strengthen your relationship. Learn how to communicate effectively, show appreciation, and prioritize quality time together.  Keep the love and commands of God in...


ePrayer Room: The Power of Rest: Understanding Our Limited Willpower and Finding Strength in God

Keywords: #willpower, #rest, #strength in God, #Jeremiah 31:25, #addiction, #decision fatigue, #free bible study, #free onlinebible study, #45 days to study the gospel challenge, #bible challenges, #jesus christ, #eprayercircle Explore...

How to Pray in Spirit and Truth

Daily Word: The Power of Prayer: Transforming the Present, Shaping the Future

Prayer is not just a routine or a religious obligation; it’s a powerful tool that can transform our lives and shape our future. When we pray, we communicate with God,...


Letter From the Editor? What Does the New Testament Bible Really Say About Tithing?

Good Morning ePrayer Circle’s Tribe Member,  I’m drinking coffee in my kitchen and thought about how we survived the eclipse on Monday, when so many said we would not. Have...


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