Letter From The Editor: Let’s Change Our Conversations With Integrity For The Future
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Hello ePrayer Circle Tribe,
Thank you for visiting. Today, I want to speak on the scripture verse: Colossians 4:6 KJV 6 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
I know things are easier said than done but I have found if you strive to do better you will do better even if it is not 100%. Better is just better. According to the news: political conversations, layoffs, whistleblowers. gossip, hints of war and famine, no wonder conversations are tougher and highly emotional.
In our subconscious mind, emotions of fear and anxiety are not ignored. Fear can manifest in so many ways that it can appear as a defect in character. Mental problems that need professional help can develop.
I am going to tell you about an incident I recently experience. When I was growing up, all adults in the community were respected by the younger ones but there’s always an exception. No one had to watch every word they said. People grew up with integrity. That means they did not say or do anything they felt like it without evaluating its effect on others. One reason, they had so many good examples from the teacher to the neighborhood drunk. Yes, the drunk had better conversations.
I was in a long line at a department store. A toddler was saying hello to me, waving, as they like to do at that age. I looked at the father who was holding her hand, a man in his early twenties, and told him how precious she was. He disagreed, He told me the two-year-old was so bad that he had to whoop her when he took her around his family because she would curse and it would embarrass him.
I was overwhelmed by the idea of him whooping a two-year-old. Discipline, I can see but whooping was a bit much. She looked innocently on as if she had no idea what she did to cause him to be so angry with her.
The mother ( early twenties) had on headphones and start singing a song. A song that was full of curse words. It was as if she was not aware of her surroundings. If I did not see the headphones, I would think she was losing her mind. Then the little girl went into action, singing from memory what her mother was singing. When the song was over, I asked the mother, if that was one of her favorite songs. She replied it was and she play it at home day and night. She named the artist with delight. I looked at the young man. I asked if the child was his and he said no. I told him you whooping the wrong one.
Matthew 12:36 KJV “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”
I laughed and he laughed. It was an ironic joke meant to make both of them think about where the 2-year-old cussing was coming from. It was amazing how both did not see the connection before. That is the trick of Satan to keep people blindsided. There is an attack on kids.
I explained to the mother and stepfather, that children at that age are learning to have conversations and their minds are like sponges. They are just repeating what is around them. I suggested, that when she wanted to play that type of music, she should make sure the child has been put to bed and not play it too loud to wake her.
This child was placing importance on what the mother enjoyed. I didn’t agree with her music choice but because I wanted to keep the conversation focused, I did not comment on it. I advised the man that the child’s body was developing and that he could cause serious damage to her. No one should whoop a child when they are angry because people don’t know their strengths.
He should put her in time-out for a few minutes instead. She will not want to be separated from others but the point is to teach her what to talk about not just expect her to know. She wants to be like her mother. They both seemed to accept the message with awe. I think because I was an older person. I was a destiny helper that day.
People, all of us need to do better for the future generation. My mouth is not a prayer book. I remind myself as well and often ask God, Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, social media, and actions be pleasing unto the Lord. we all need to allow the Holy Spirit to control the tongue.
James 3:8 KJV 8But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
alt tag: #guard your heart
Remember the old saying, Children should be seen and not heard. When grown folks wanted to have a grown folks conversation, they made sure kids (under 16) were not in earshot. TV was not as advanced as it is now. Kissing and curse words did not show on TV or radio until after 9 pm. The phones now have streaming everything and kids have cell phones.
These are the reasons why we are seeing a different generation. “Wiser but weaker”. They talk differently, adapt to things quicker, and know more, but they have no clue how to benefit from this because no one wants to deal with them. The opportunities are disappearing for them and they don’t understand why. Their skills take them where their character cannot sustain them. No one wants that for their children or themselves.
Mom and Dad get tired, I get it. Better is better. Changing our private conversations is nobody else’s business and love is our motivation. Meditate on scripture, prayer, and praise. Listen to some praise music even if it is instrumental, feed the soul so your fruit will be good.
Talk seriously about things that your children may be hearing or seeing and afraid of so they can learn to process their thoughts and not draw the wrong conclusions. It will benefit them for the rest of their lives. You don’t need a degree to do that. Your experience has taught you something. You know more than your children as far as life. A refusal to correct is a refusal to love; love your children.
Ask God for destiny helpers. Safe people that will babysit at no charge. Swap taking each other kids to give the other a break. When I was growing up nobody got paid for babysitting. You would just get nice Christmas presents. Take time to take the children to the park and monitor them or put safe play equipment in the backyard so they can entertain their friends and play with you with love and laughter.
Make sure stray animals and people can’t come into your yard before leaving kids alone to play. Get your kids off the internet, phone, gaming, and TV for a little while. Show them what is important, don’t let others do it.
We have got to find ways to change our conversations and talk about God and how he wants us to live. Families have conversations about God, especially at the dinner table, with friends, and on the phone. Texting counts. My child is an adult and I often send her a bible verse or a social media link to something inspiring especially if it is about someone her age. It really helps that mother and daughter relationship. These conversations bring the power of God into our lives daily and bless us. I encourage everyone to change the conversation in our homes because home is where love grows. Home is where it starts.
God is Love. 1 John 4:8 KJV “He that loveth not knows not God; for God is love.”
2 Peter 1:2 KJV
“May Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through
the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,”
Disclaimer: This is a Christian blog so if you do not believe in God or want to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this letter or blog will not interest you.

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alt tag: #jesus paid the price
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Romans 10:9-10 9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.
John 3:5-6 5Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7