How to Choose the Best Study Bible for You: Recommended Study Bibles
2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”
Christian bibles are derived from the King James Bible. There is only one King James Bible but there are various translations of the bible. If a bible or study bible is not a translation of the King James Bible, they are not titled King James Versions. If you are new to reading the bible, it is recommended by this author to start reading the New Testament, starting with the Gospels. The Gospels are the teachings of Jesus Christ: John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew.
The Old Testament became the New Testament with the sacrifice and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ fulfilled the law for believers. For example, animal sacrifices are no longer required for repentance. There is no more judgment for death if a Torah law is broken concerning the observance of the Sabbath for believers.
Some people think the bible is confusing because they confuse the Old Testament with the New Testament and do not recognize the changes. Some people often find the first English translations to be difficult to understand because definitions of words then are different now.
That is why a good study bible is good to use especially one with maps, timelines, illustrations, indexes, footnotes, and introductions. Some study bibles and bibles come in “Red Letter”. That means that every word Jesus actually spoke is in red letters. I love the large print bibles. The large print font is usually considered to be 16 points in publishing. However, various publishers state otherwise. Many bibles have tabs and are engravable with your name, these make wonderful gifts.
The main things to consider when selecting your bible or study bible.
The main thing to know is that there are two categories of bibles: 1. Word for word translations and 2. Thought to thought translations which are more readable but may not be an accurate translation for the beginner.
There are many types and sizes of bibles: journal, notetaking, devotional, reference, text-only bibles, gift bibles, purse bibles, kid bibles, women bibles, and brail bibles. There are also online bibles and pdf bibles for mobile technology. Below are listed excellent additional resources (blog and video) that give more in-depth information and reviews with pictures.
I don’t consider myself a complete Bible expert. There is only one true teacher: Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit. I see myself as a professionally trained facilitator in student-centered learning, including Christian education, as well as an instructional writer, Bible counselor, and researcher. My role is to present the material (the Bible) and guide students reading, using proven techniques and learning models, to ensure they don’t draw the wrong conclusions. I offer FREE interactive online lessons on the Gospel and daily devotions on this blog to help you in your journey of learning the Bible “45 Days To Read The Gospel Challenge.”
The lessons are short and easy to follow with beautiful graphics for transfer of learning. I have taught Sunday school and have been an active Christian for over 50 years. I have a Master’s in Education – Instructional design. I professionally design training and educational curriculums.
The interactive quizzes in each lesson reinstate the objectives of each lesson. These quizzes assure the feedback that is needed in order for the student not to draw the wrong conclusions. Students learn at their own pace as the lessons are available online 24/7. The lessons are in plain text so they can be accessed by all technical devices, especially by accessible (disability) technology.
What do you need from your bible?
Take the time to determine what you need from your bible. Do you want a bible with wide margins to write in? Do you need a bible or study bible in large print? Do you want to carry your bible with you and need it to fit in your glove department, pocket, or purse? I am sure there are some excellent bibles and study bibles that are available that I am not familiar with. This reason is why I listed below additional resources.
In selecting your study bible or bible, please be careful with accuracy. I have read bibles that were misprinted but were still on store shelves at discount prices. I personally recommend you stick with the King James Bible Versions. FREE online version of the public domain King James Version Online Bible
Keywords: #beststudybible, #freebiblestudy, #biblestudyforbeginners, #biblejournalingforbeginners, #christianbibles, #studybibles, #jesuschristislord
Recommended Study Bibles. Disclosure: The links below are not affiliated links. They are just recommendations from this author for your consideration.
1. The MacArthur Study Bible (NKJV) (Large print 2nd Ed. Not available in the red letter) is a favorite because it is very accurate, easy to read, and has line-by-line footnotes. It has a very well-researched introduction of each book and author. This bible will tell you the new geographical locations of places mentioned in the bible. It is published by Thomas Nelson. Find out more here Thomas and Nelson MacArthur Study Bible 2nd Ed.
2. New American Standard Bible (NASB) – It is stated to be the most accurate translation of the King James Bible. It may be. It may not. It is a good bible but I have not compared it to uphold that statement. NASB MacArthur Study Bible Large Print Hardcover The New American Standard Bible does not attempt to interpret Scripture through translation. Instead, the NASB adheres to the principles of a formal equivalence, or word-for-word translation.
3. New King James Version (NKJV) -In 1975, more than two-hundred years since the King James Version’s last update, the boldest and most extensive revision in the history of modern Bible publishing began. With a 130-person team of Greek, Hebrew, and English scholars, editors, church leaders, and Christian laity Thomas Nelson Publishers sought to preserve the accuracy and poetry of the King James Version, but in a language that the everyday person could understand. New King James Version
4. King James Version (KJV) – The King James Version (KJV), also known as the King James Bible (KJB), and aka King James Authorized Version (KJAV) is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, commissioned by King James in 1604 and completed as well as published seven years later in 1611. A revised version was published by the Queen in She still holds the patent to that. (Wikipedia) King James Study Bible
5. FREE King James Bible Online for mobile technology. Searchable by keywords or scripture or books.
**Previous post on the King James Bible. How the King James Bible came into existence with resources and documentaries. Read number 5: Are The Signs, Wonders and Prophecies of the Bible Fairy Tales? Five Facts Supported by Science and Historians That They Are Not Fairy Tales. In addition read: Who Said the Bible is True?

Alt tag: 5 tips on How to Study the Bible for Understanding (not affiliated link) Previous post
More Resources (not affiliated links)
- 11 Best Bibles for Journaling Blog (coloring bibles, note bibles, journal bibles and women bibles all reviewed with video of bibles)
- What Do You Need To Know When Buying a Bible? Blog (Translations and the many different types of bibles explained)
- Choosing a Bible Translation (YouTube 57 seconds) By the Bible Project
How to Choose and Pick the Right Bible For You |Bible Study and Bible Journaling Tips for Beginners (YouTube 11:50 minutes)
Disclosures: The below graphic and text links are not affiliated links. There is nothing for sale. FREE online e-bible classes
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John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 10:9-10 9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation
John 3:5-6 5Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is the Spirit.