45 Day Read The Gospel Challenge

Category: Church


ePrayer Room: How to Recognize and Follow Gods Spiritual Watchmen in Your Life

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Letter From the Editors Desk: Letter From the Editor’s Desk: Why Unanswered Prayers Are Part of God’s Perfect Plan

1 Corinthians 6:12 KJV  “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power...

praise go up blessings come down

ePrayer Circle Room: Anointed Holy Gospel vs. Gospel Music – Do You Know the Powerful Difference?

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ePrayer to Unlock Divine Guidance: Time Management and Repentance Through the Holy Spirit

Say this ePrayer to Guide Your Day and Safeguard Your Nights Heavenly Father, I come before You today seeking Your guidance and power over every moment of my day and...

jesus cries

Seeking God’s Face: How Humility, Repentance, Love, and Earnest Prayer Unlock God’s Forgiveness and Healing

God promises forgiveness and healing when we approach Him with sincere repentance. This means turning away from wickedness and living in righteousness. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV), God says, “If...

prayer for more faith

Pray for Faith That Moves Mountains and Works Miracles: Powerful Prayer and Action Steps for Increased Faith

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matthew 6211

ePrayer Circle Room Unlocking True Wealth – Where Are Your Treasures?

Matthew 6:21 KJV  “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Have you ever thought about what you treasure most in life? Is it money, a career, or...

stop comparing yourself

Daily Word: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others: Embrace God’s Plan and Find Peace in His Grace

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Letter From the Editor’s Desk: The Supernatural Light of Jesus vs. The Darkness

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Daily Word: Building Strong Connections: Why Fellowshipping is Godly and Isolation is Dangerous

Staying connected as believers is crucial for our spiritual growth and well-being. The Bible gives us clear instructions on how we should treat, speak to, and greet each other, emphasizing...

breath of fresh forgiveness

Daily Word: Inhale the Future and Exhale the Past: A Breath of Fresh Forgiveness

Life is a journey, and sometimes we carry heavy burdens from past hurts or mistakes. The Bible teaches us the importance of forgiveness, not just for others but also for...

astral projection or out of body

Why Astral Projection is Forbidden and Illegal in the Spritual Ream: Understanding God’s Will and Spiritual Dangers

Astral projection is the belief that a person’s soul can leave their body and travel to different places. Many people think this sounds exciting, but it is important to understand...

crowns of glory

Daily Word: Spiritual Tattoos and Invisible Crowns: Marks of Faith in the Unseen Realm

In our spiritual journey, we often think about how God sees us. Imagine having tattoos and crowns that only spiritual beings can see. These are not physical marks but spiritual...

moses and jesus elijah

Daily Word: Understanding Accountability: Lessons from Eli and Moses

John 14:6 KJV  “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Ezekiel 18:19-20 KJV highlights the principle of...

devotion over destination

Daily Word: Destination vs Devotion: Prioritizing God in Your Daily Life: Action Steps

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to achieve their goals effortlessly while others struggle? The secret lies in their devotion to God. Before setting your sights on any...

salvation through the jews

Bible Study: Salvation Come From the Jews Explained.

Salvation comes from the Jews, as Jesus Himself was born a Jew. This statement highlights the important role of the Jewish people in God’s plan for salvation. Jesus’ lineage and...


Praise Sunday: You Waited by Travis Greene

God identifies his own by their praise, prayer and spirit.   He recognizes his own when they pray and praise in truth and his spirit (Holy Spirit). He recognizes His Spirit....

revival spirit and truth

ePrayer Room: Revival: Elevate Your Mind and Spirit to Access the Power of God

Revival in the Christian church is a time of renewed spiritual focus and commitment to God. Elevating your mind means focusing on things above, not on earthly things. This helps...


EPrayer Room: “Why Obeying God’s Commands Leads to Blessings: Trust, Faith, and Biblical Obedience”

Believers should do what God has commanded and not what they think is appropriate. In order to be obedient we must study the Word of God–The King James Bible.  Obeying...


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